Join Hour of Power


Cathy Hamilton

Experience the Power

  • FEELING the Magic of Possibility
  • Saying YES to Yourself and What YOU Want
  • FREEDOM From Stressing Over How You Are Going to Make IT Happen
  • Reconnecting to YOURSELF

Why is Allowing Yourself to FEEL the Magic of Possibility Important?

You get drained and exhausted from all of the have to(s), should(s) and the crisis of every day life. You can forget why life is important. You forget that your wants and desires are important. You lose connection to yourself.

Why does Allowing Yourself to FEEL the Magic of Possibility matter?

When you lose connection to yourself there are costly consequences.

  • You Block Yourself from Receiving and Experiencing Love
  • You Block Yourself from Having Optimal Health
  • You Block Yourself from Receiving Money and Experiencing Financial Wealth
  • You Block Yourself from Having Intimate Relationships

What does Allowing Yourself to FEEL the Magic of Possibility Give You?

When you reconnect to yourself you experience FREEDOM to feel your wants and desires.  You remember what makes you happy and how you want to feel. You are able to take action and live your life in the unique way that supports you.

You Have Access to ALL of Your POWER.

What Is Hour of POWER?

It is a FREE Monthly Group Coaching Call

Working in a group can be very powerful. A group setting creates a safe space that allows everyone's energy to be more freely expressed. We have all been conditioned to want and desire with rules and conditions around it. We have all also been conditioned to pursue our wants and desires only if we have an action plan that details how you are going to achieve your wants and desires.

These action plans are normally modeled after how others have achieved or what is considered "socially acceptable". There is criteria for how we measure whether we are  successful or not and if we should continue to want and desire or if it is time to give up.

Having to want and desire according to others standards is what I like to call operating in Zombie Mode. Operating in Zombie Mode is a dream and desire killer and a set up for disappointment and frustration.

During the first part of these calls you will be led through a guided meditation to reconnect to what you want and to be able to let go of all of the preconceived expectations around how you are going to make it happen.  During the second part of the call you will have the opportunity to share your experience if you choose to do so.

Every day life has a way of pulling you back into Zombie Mode without you realizing it. These calls are monthly to help you continue to reconnect to YOU and have full access to your POWER. You will feel Divine, Inspired, Vibrant and Alive or what I refer to as a DIVA.

How Do I Register?

Click on the button below to register for the call.

Once you register you will receive additional information about the call.

All calls are recorded.

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Sign Me Up for Hour of Power

If you have any questions contact me by clicking the link below: