Have you ever wondered why so many people
love ZOMBIE movies?
I think it is because they are so darn relateable, albeit in an exaggerated way, to real life.
I know you may be thinking that this is a stretch so let me break it down a bit...
The main plot of a zombie movie usually consists of:
- The zombie virus begins and quickly spreads.
- A containment team who has been trained to handle such situations tries to keep peace and order.
- People who are not zombies focus on staying human and seeking a safe place to live with other humans who haven't been infected.
- The people who are now zombies keep doing their zombie things.
Now let's relate this to real life.
The zombie virus begins and quickly spreads:

Life has a lot of crazy moments and there are times when we experience a crisis in our families, our relationships, our health or our jobs and money. Also, let’s not forget the times when we have a crisis showing up in seemingly every area. (That is always really fun right? NOT!!)
There are also times when we might not be in the middle of a crisis currently, but there was a crisis in the past that has left us feeling stuck in all of the "nasty" of it, or just having a hard time moving past it in general.
Sometimes it isn't a crisis and instead, is one of those nagging life experiences that is going on at the moment, or has happened in the past, that are just a little more challenging than the norm and continue to receive more of our attention and energy than we would like.
Maybe it is not even us directly. An event could be happening to one of our friends or family members (human, furry and feathered to name a few) and they need us to be their support person.
A containment team who has been trained to handle such situations tries to keep peace and order:
Whether it is us directly, or someone we love who is experiencing the crisis, we spend a lot of time and energy trying to get everything back to “normal”. We want to make life seem exactly the same as it was before the crisis happened in the first place.
When it is not a crisis but something that it is nagging us from the past or present, we put a lot of energy into trying to “get over it” so we can move on with our lives.

People who are not zombies focus on staying human and seeking a safe place to live with other humans who haven't been infected:

During and after a crisis we spend a lot of time in survival mode. The realization, that no matter how hard we may try, "life as we knew it" is never going to be the same, may finally sink in.
The result is putting a lot of energy into trying to pick up the pieces and finding ways to make us feel safe again. Therefore, we try to establish the new “normal”.
The people who are now zombies keep doing their zombie things:
There may be times when nothing is really wrong but nothing really feels right.
You find yourself just coasting along on autopilot, sometimes mindlessly and sometimes begrudgingly, doing what you think you have to do based on the rules and expectations of everybody else.
Life may even seem like it has lost its meaning entirely. You have become too burnt out, exhausted and drained to reconnect with matters to you. You feel totally disconnected from yourself.

Can you see how everyday life can seem like a zombie apocalypse at times?
If you can relate to any of this don’t worry, I HAVE THE CURE…
Hi! I am Cathy Hamilton, Empowerment Expert. I am committed to showing 1 million women how to step into their power and own their lovability so they can find the Divine Inspired Vibrant Alive, DIVA, inside of them, give her a voice and live out LOUD.
If you are reading this, I know you are a powerful woman and you DESERVE to live a Divine Inspired Vibrant Alive LIFE.
People have thought I have some type of counseling background. I actually have my BA in business statistics and have been working at an international company for over 24 years where I am their finance director.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was definitely like the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. You know that part in the movie where complete chaos and destruction ensue, when people are trying to escape, everyone is confused and in a complete panic, and cars are crashing into each other as people are going through the change.
No matter how hard the containment crew tries to keep everything under control, it is no use, zombies are popping up everywhere and everything is changing. The reality quickly sets in that there is no going back to way life used to be.
That is exactly what my life felt like. It no longer seemed like my own. It became a series of tests, doctor visits and hearing words like chemo, radiation and mastectomy being in my near future. I was frozen in fear. I was in shock and was completely overwhelmed. The feeling of impending doom would wash over me and I wondered if I would ever feel “normal” again. I realized that life, as I knew it, was never going to be the same again.
Ironically, I had spent a good part of my life as a zombie. I had lived according to the rules and expectations of everyone else. Life felt more like a cage. Maybe I wasn’t so obsessed with eating "brains", but I had definitely lost touch with myself and I was just going through the motions, feeling like my life was definitely missing something.
I also spent some time as the containment team, desperately trying to keep order and stay safe in an impossible situation. A few years before my diagnosis, I had just come out of an emotionally and mentally abusive marriage.
I no longer felt like a zombie, but was still dealing with the after effects. I had finally started living my life more authentically as “me” and the last thing I wanted was to let my experience with cancer define who that was.
It was then that I realized that I had a choice.

I could let this experience consume me and keep me in the midst of a zombie apocalypse,
I could FIGHT for MYSELF and live my life the way that I wanted to.
I chose ME!
I armed myself with the resources and tools that I knew were the most effective and quickest and got to work.
I was on a mission to leave Zombie Mode behind. It was time for me to find the Divine Inspired Vibrant Alive, DIVA, inside of me, give her a voice and live out loud once and for all. I deserved to live a Divine Inspired Vibrant Alive LIFE. I had to own my lovability.
In order to do that I needed to step fully into my power.
And this is how I developed and mastered my
5 Key Principles of LIVING a Divine Inspired Vibrant Alive LIFE:

- I allowed myself to FEEL the MAGIC of Possibility.
- I allowed myself to HAVE a FLUID Identity.
- I made PEACE with my LIFE.
- I learned how to LOVE MYSELF in each and every moment.
- I learned how to TAKE CARE OF the skin I was in.
Allow Yourself to FEEL the Magic of Possibility

What does it give you? Freedom to feel your wants and desires. Reconnection to what makes you happy and how you want to feel.
Why does it matter? You get drained and exhausted from all of the have to(s), should(s) and the crises of everyday life. You forget why life is important. You forget that your wants and desires are important. You lose connection to yourself.
Why do you care about it? When you are not connected to yourself, you block yourself from receiving and experiencing love, health, money and intimate relationships.
Allow Yourself to Have a FLUID Identity
What does it give you? The ability to go with the flow of what is happening in the moment and act accordingly. It gives you permission to change and be flexible with how you take action.
Why does it matter? When we keep our identity fixed we limit what we allow ourselves to experience and who we are allowed to be and become.
Why do you care about it? When you limit yourself in this way you waste all of your energy staying stuck in the past and keeping yourself from being who you are in the moment. You cannot set healthy boundaries for yourself or act in ways that are supportive to you and allow you to grow.

Make PEACE With Your Life

What does it give you? Freedom of judgment of criticism. It allows you to live in the present moment with love and compassion for yourself and others.
Why does it matter? When you are in a state of judgment and criticism you break your own heart. It drains your energy and stops you from loving and being loved freely.
Why do you care about it? The more freely you allow yourself to love and be loved you open yourself up to receive more love and abundance in all areas of your life. The more you receive the more you are able to give and use your energy to feel, be and do what is important to you.
LOVE YOURSELF in Each and Every Moment
What does it give you? You gain the understanding that you have and always will do whatever it takes to keep yourself safe. You understand yourself and why you do what you do. You learn to appreciate all parts of you, especially the parts of you that you have kept hidden away due to shame, embarrassment and guilt.
Why does it matter? When you accept that you are perfectly imperfect, that there is nothing about you that needs to be fixed and that there is nothing wrong with you no matter what you are doing and no matter what is happening (in the present, past and future) you experience unconditional love and acceptance for yourself. This gives you permission to be human and enjoy the experience.
Why do you care about it? When you are in the space of unconditional love and acceptance you are free to simply “be”. You are able to create your life with freedom, passion and purpose while living from your heart.

TAKE CARE OF the Skin You Are In

What does it give you? The power of making yourself a priority and putting yourself first. You become spiritually, emotionally and physically connected to yourself, your feminity and what you need.
Why does it matter? When you are connected to yourself and what you need, the way you see the world and how important it is that you are in it expands. You feel a connection to the divine and you feel more inspired, vibrant and alive.
Why do you care about it? When you feel connected to the divine, inspired, vibrant and alive you are able to live your life purpose of being who you truly are. You are empowered. From this empowered space you inspire and empower others.
I continue to practice these 5 principles today.
They are the foundation of what I teach.
Practicing these principles has reconnected me to ME! I am owning my LOVABILITY and have stepped into my POWER.
I freely feel my wants and desires. I am more open to receiving and experiencing life. I am able to go with MY flow and be flexible.
My life has meaning and I no longer feel burnt out, exhausted or drained. I allow myself to be whoever I want or need to be in the moment AND support myself in ways that allow me to grow.
I feel, be and do what is important to me. I understand who I am at my core. I no longer judge and criticize myself for not measuring up to the rules and expectations I used to put on myself to please others.
I realize that there never was or is anything wrong with me and experience unconditional love and acceptance for myself.
I found my Inner DIVA and am living the Divine Inspired Vibrant Alive LIFE that I deserve.
That is why I am so excited that you are with me right now.
There are times in your life when you might feel like the zombie apocalypse is upon you. Life as you know it may be falling apart, or you might just be tired of being in a state of damage control all of the time. You might simply be tired of feeling like a zombie.
You may want to reconnect to YOU doing something new or different and may not know how to do it.
I don’t want you to feel this way for another minute. You deserve so much more than that.
It is time for you to RECLAIM THEM!
The longer you don't,
the more it is costing you in every area of your life...

Using my 5 Key Principles...
- Allow yourself to FEEL the MAGIC of Possibility.
- Allow yourself to HAVE a FLUID Identity.
- Make PEACE with your LIFE.
- Learn how to LOVE YOURSELF in each and every moment.
- Learn how to TAKE CARE OF the skin you are in.
Your Divine Inspired Vibrant Alive LIFE is waiting for you.

I invite you to let the ADVENTURE begin…
What do you have to lose? How much do you have to gain?
Are you with me?
Step Into Your POWER and Own Your LOVABILITY!
Cathy Hamilton